Buddha Lounge is a relaxed spot that feels mysterious, despite being busy. The décor is reminiscent of a backpacker’s den mixed with a whole lot of color and funk.
Little Creatures啤酒廠起源於澳洲西部, 在富有創意和思想自由文化的費裡曼特爾由幾個熱愛啤酒花啤酒的朋友創立 。 Little Creatures啤酒廠追求不同風味的啤酒, 並運用當地人的創造力和獨特個性致力於釀造有特色的、全面而均衡的啤酒。
Boasting an extensive collection of over 700 of the world’s top malt whiskies and premium champagnes, Safe Bubbles & Malt is the only bar in Asia to have such a prestigious collection, as well as being the only HK distributor for the SMWS.
At the hart of Tsim Sha Tsui.
Middle Eastern flavours with a European twist
At the hart of Tsim Sha Tsui.
Middle Eastern flavours with a European twist
能屹立香港十二年之久的 Volar,自然見證過無數曇花一現、來了又去的夜店。這風格光滑而細膩的地下 club 卻一直能保住城中社交名流的歡心。
Volar 哪個定期 club night 最吸引?除了其他特別節目,這間 club 基本上任何一個 event 都一樣高質。因為 Volar 分為 Electronic Room 同 Club Room ,你可從二選一,一定不會出錯。前者打電音節拍,後者則放 hip-hip 和 R&B,任君選擇。
Buddha Lounge is a relaxed spot that feels mysterious, despite being busy. The décor is reminiscent of a backpacker’s den mixed with a whole lot of color and funk.
每個經過Dusk till Dawn門口嘅遊客,大多都會被其鮮艷嘅黃牆身紫門窗、歐陸式嘅休閒裝潢擺設所吸引,總想入內一探虛實。由淡紫色大門進入,就好似進咗時空隧道,由悅目清雅嘅小花園到一個黑暗中帶點浪漫隱秘氛圍嘅空間。Dusk till Dawn夜晚係一間酒吧,日頭則搖身一變成為一間餐廳。大門口樓梯兩三階,左手邊一個小型舞台,上面擺放咗唔少用布蓋住嘅演奏樂器。正對大門口就係一個巨型流線型吧台,台前附高凳供客人入座,吧台後則擺滿咗各式各樣嘅酒。