-地中海料理為主lounge bar
-DJ駐場,Live music
喺熱鬧競爭強嘅中環,Awtar嘅成功絕對唔係咁簡單,除咗Live music之外,各式口味嘅水煙令Awtar成為大家口耳相傳嘅一大賣點,繁忙嘅下班時段,㗝夜晚月亮嘅陪伴下,抽著水煙來幾杯美味嘅雞尾酒,喺Awtar就係咁簡單。
asy to find and located in Central Hong Kong, Mine is open from 5 pm – 4 am, early enough to accommodate the pop-in drink or snack after work and late enough to keep all you party revellers going into the early hours!
Buddha Lounge is a relaxed spot that feels mysterious, despite being busy. The décor is reminiscent of a backpacker’s den mixed with a whole lot of color and funk.
At the hart of Tsim Sha Tsui.
Middle Eastern flavours with a European twist
At the hart of Tsim Sha Tsui.
Middle Eastern flavours with a European twist
-週四lady’s night優惠
「五光十色」係你一走入The China Bar第一眼嘅感受,亦係The China Bar之所以深受顧客喜愛嘅原因,365天不間斷嘅熱鬧,儘管身處喺最多夜店嘅蘭桂坊亦唔會令你錯過The China Bar。
要喺夜店群中脫穎而出,The China Bar獨具嘅東方元素設計融以現代感,提供視覺衝突外,每日happy hour時段同逢星期四嘅lady’s night亦係其中因素之一。遇到萬聖節、聖誕節等節日,舉辦各式創意活動令現場大家嗨到不行。
夜晚DJ Show時段更係重頭戲,點燃現場氣氛嗨到最高點,搭配炫目嘅燈光效果同節奏,座落喺bar後端嘅舞池,慢慢聚集現場嘅男男女女,起身隨住音樂,無論係快舞定係慢舞盡情揮灑。想玩?想嗨?想放鬆,嚟The China Bar啦!